Poggio Civitate

Poggio Civitate is unquestionably one of the most important excavations in central Italy for our understanding of the nature and development of Etruscan city states of the 8th through 6th centuries BCE. Work at the site has revealed three phases of monumental architectural development associated with the settlement’s aristocratic rulers along with remarkable evidence of scale industrial manufacturing, non-elite domestic space as well as evidence for ritual behaviors among this early Etruscan population.

Since the beginning of excavation over a half century ago, the Poggio Civitate Archaeological Project has sought to incorporate students into every facet of work at the site. Students not only engage with experienced excavators in the physical process of excavation, they learn techniques of data documentation and field conservation from trained professionals. In our laboratories, students train with experienced conservators, illustrators, photographers, cataloguers and data scientists to preserve materials, document archaeological contexts and gather all related information into accessible, published formats.

For information on the 2024 Field School, please see www.poggiocivitate.com

For the excavation database, please see www.poggiocivitate.org